Color Me Brown book challenge

BIP Blog Post Bingo

I've spent the last few days participating in the blog improvement project at Sophisticated Dorkiness.
I created a couple of review posts, a short list post, a resource and opinion post with poll, and a personal post with links (I had hoped that this would cover the long post too, but I couldn't find anything else to talk about on the subject).
Playhouse Heaven
I have dreamed of building a playhouse since the birth of my first child many years ago. At the time it was to be a tree house, but the tree has since fallen. Over the years I have drawn many different plans and bought and read several books on the subject.
While I was supposed to be working on other things today, I found myself on Flickr where I happened upon these great images. I would love to do a tour of the interiors of these houses. I've never tried a mosaic, so I picked my favorites and gave it a try.
I've been trying to determine if there is a theme to what I was drawn to. It looks as though they are all unusual or have a natural quality to them. They seem to vibe with my no frills, earthy nature. I realize that I prefer not to have a Victorian or cookie cutter kit type house.
I have little to no carpentry skills, so what I build will involve a lot of guessing. I want to use as many found or recycled objects as I can. I've already bought a door and a couple of screens from the Habitat Restore.
This playhouse is on my bucket list, and I am determined to get it done this year. It won't be as cool as these, but I will be proud of myself, and I am sure that my children will be thrilled. Even the oldest, who is probably technically too old.
Which makes me wonder are you ever too old for a playhouse? I know that I've seen trends in fully functional tree houses that are being used as home offices. I'm not into that, though. I want to design it to catch breezes and capture sunlight. I want it to be a kid's place to play and not a tricked out (wo)man cave. Living in Texas, I will probably have to utilize a fan though. Maybe I can learn about solar power in the process. If so, I might also put in solar lighting so that we could do slumber parties like the one in the mosaic.
Is it obvious that this is more for me than for my children? I mean they are welcome and I'd love to give them memories of playing with momma in the playhouse. But I think that the basket on a pulley, the loft, the binoculars, and all the other gadgetry in my head are all my fantasies.
I suppose that it would only be fair to have them help me plan so that they might enjoy it more. But I think that it's probably more important that I get it going.
Let's try a poll
I found tutorials on creating them here, here, and here. These all involved manipulating the gadget provided by blogspot.
Have you ever used a poll on your blog?
This was relatively easy to do. But I wanted experiment with polls form other sources. So a search led me to Vizu.com where I created this poll.
More blog improvement
After participating in recent challenges, I find myself constantly asking how I can make this blog look better. I know that I really should be focusing on adding more content that people care about. But since I'm still in infancy phase, I use this more as a diversion and motivator than as a traffic builder.
So I've been nagging myself to go back and finish the things that I didn't get to in the Bloggiesta. Namely, I want to
- make the related post widget work
- figure out why my favicon doesn't show up
- get the widget working that's supposed to recognize first time visitors
- create a 404 page (I just think this is cool)and
- play with image placement some more
I've already changed my background again, so maybe you'll notice other changes soon.
Review: Hammocks, Hassocks and Hideaways
by Timothy Fisher 0201029367 170 pages
Summary: As the title states, this is a book of furniture projects described at a level intended to encourage kids to DIY.
Review: The first section of this book out lines tools and materials that will be used to complete the projects. The next section explains projects that sit on the floor - primarily chairs. The section on "in the air" furniture provides guidance on projects that are swing and hammock in nature. The next section is about boxes and tables that can be folded flat. There is a section on outdoor furniture that utilizes interesting materials. There is a small section on storage and a section with ideas for various room dividers. The final section focuses mainly on lamps.
Recommendation: The projects in this book are simple and utilize simple materials. While I might want to modify them a bit if I were making these items for my kids' rooms, I would follow them as is for a playhouse. With simple directions, it will come in handy in my first attempts and furnishing a play space for my children.