I finally completed my first fabric book. I did my best to keep it simple, so there are no moving or detachable parts this time. My eye sees all sorts of things I could have done better, but it turned out OK for my first effort. I'd like to share what I learned, and perhaps what I will do differently next time to make it better. Some of my pictures are a litlle fuzzy. Sorry!
First, I should have taken my time. That probably sounds funny considering that it took me forever to complete this project. My delay had more to do with a lack of spare time than with time put into the project. Since my time to sew is sparse, I tend to take shortcuts. The problem is that not all of my shortcuts resulted in a pleasing product.

I'm not so pleased with my applique. I started off trying to blind stitch. But my technique isn't great, so my stitches often showed. And then it seemed to take too long, so I switched to machine stitching. I think that I should have continued with the hand stitching. It takes practice to get it right, and I stopped too soon to get that practice. I also should have found a way to temporarily adhere the fabric until it was stitched in place. Since I didn't do that, a lot of my pieces are lopsided. I'm trying to play it off and hope that it looks like that was intentional. But it wasn't.

My embroidery needs a bit of work. I started using ideas from The New Crewel. I was really excited to get this book and was glad to have a place to try out the ideas. But some of my results don't seem as exciting as they appeared in the book. I'll keep playing with technique and color combinations.
I also tried making lazy daisies. While this is an easy stitch for making flowers, my problem seemed to lie in my ability to place the petals in a circle. In trying to eyeball placement, my flowers were crooked and displeasing to my eye. Anybody have tips for making circular flowers by eye? I looked for ideas but was unable to find tips on making my flowers even. But I found a couple of people to aspire to be like here and here.
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